Economics Publications
Anthony Fok's Publications
JC Economics Education Centre is committed to providing students with top-quality resources to excel in economics exams. We are proud to offer a range of publications authored by our principal tutor, Dr. Anthony Fok. Dr. Anthony Fok is a renowned economics tutor and author who has helped numerous students achieve their academic goals. His books are highly regarded by students, educators, and academic institutions both in Singapore and worldwide. Here are some notable publications by Dr. Anthony Fok that can aid students in improving their understanding of economics and excelling in their exams:
Complete Guide to GCE A Level Economics Real-World Examples for Essay Writing
This comprehensive guide is an indispensable resource for A-Level Economics students, providing over 500 real-world examples organized by topic and concept to help them illustrate their points in essays or exams. The guide also includes clear explanations of key concepts and their practical application, enabling students to bridge the gap between theory and reality.

Complete Guide to GCE A Level Economics Diagrams with Explanations
This guidebook compiles more than 100 essential economics diagrams, carefully labeled and illustrated to improve comprehension of economic concepts. Each diagram is accompanied by a detailed explanation, allowing students to connect topics to diagrams and gain a holistic understanding of each subject.

Complete Guide to GCE A-Level Economics Essays
This book teaches students how to write compelling introductions, topic sentences, draw high-quality economics diagrams, and write effective evaluative comments in their essays. The book provides numerous examples to help students develop the skills necessary to achieve high distinctions in their economics essays.

Complete Guide to GCE A-Level Economics Evaluation Points
This book assists students in generating potential evaluation points for the theoretical content covered in their coursework. It is designed to help students evaluate alternative theoretical explanations and perspectives on economic problems, issues, and policy decisions, enhancing their higher-order thinking skills, such as application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.